What does the 2020 season hold? Well...
In all probability I'm going to do the same amount of events as 2019 but without using the M5! My first event should be in February with my final foray in December.
I'll be forming a new team in 2020 and we'll probably be quite slow - my days of chasing trophies have passed so I don't mind (the loft is full and my wife wants no more to appear!!). It's going to be a long term partnership so we'll get used to each other and select events that are close to home to start with. We're aiming for fun, experience and then results - although fewer retirements than 2019 is certainly hoped for...

Luckily I'll be carrying over some of my sponsors for this season too; where would I be without my Granite Anchor hoodies or my Belgian buns and beer?
Should the right targa car come up for sale then yes it will be coming home with me but am I looking seriously? No, not really. I know what I want and if it magically appears then great, if not I'm not fussed - for the next few years at least.
I'll be out marshalling on events too this year so I might just see you on a stage, section or control!